Meet Our Pastors

Pastor Tony Carpenter was born in Upper Marlboro, MD. He received salvation, praying in the car with his grandmother at about 8 years old. Due to the many challenges and struggles he faced as a young child, he found himself very far from having a relationship with God. Facing difficulty in school, he was diagnosed with ADD and Dyslexia and dropped out of high school in the 10th grade. Soon, drugs and alcohol, depression and all the things of the world became the daily norm for him. After several failed suicidal attempts, he found himself in his bedroom basement nearly overdosing on cocaine and dying. Within himself, he realized his captivity and decided he did not want to die that way and wanted another chance at life with everything in him. As he cried out inside, God revived his heart and it began to beat normally again. He was soon filled with the Holy Ghost and baptized in the fire of God and it changed everything! He was totally delivered and set free. There was such a passion on the inside of him for eternity and the souls of others, he couldn't help but sharing about his encounter and what Jesus did for him everywhere he went. God then begin to visit him with divine encounters and in dreams and visions. He made a radical choice to dedicate his life to that passion, pursuing a God dream to come to Bible college at the River University in Tampa, FL August 2009. There, he began dating his classmate sweetheart, Karen, and just a year later they were married. Pastor Tony graduated from River University with a Bachelors in Theology and was hired on staff with Revival Ministries International (RMI) shortly thereafter. Four years later, in May of 2016, he received a promotion to be the Outreach & Evangelism Pastor at RMI/The River at Tampa Bay Church. Licensed and Ordained with RMIMA under Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne, Pastor Tony has had the privilege of teaching in River University, training leaders and Pastors in outreach and church structures, building the local church through discipleship and outreach, traveling and preaching in countless churches, tent crusades, outreaches, stadiums, and unforgettable encounters from one on one soul winning and evangelism.In 2016, Pastor Tony heard the audible voice of God come into his room and tell him to “Go!” He knew then that God was calling him out of Tampa, FL. As time went on, Baltimore was planted in his heart and never left. In January 2020, God spoke to Pastor Tony in a dream to start the River Baltimore Church and to “raise up a colorless army that would not bow their knee to the spirit of Jezebel.” In March 2020, Pastor Tony moved his wife and 3 daughters: Zoey (8), Kyla (7) & Abby (5) from Tampa to Baltimore to obey God and started Mission Baltimore to raise up the army that would take the city!

Pastor Karen Carpenter was born in Washington DC and grew up in Bowie, MD. She was saved and water baptized as a young child. Her father was a 3rd generation preacher and the family was faithful in attending church together and instilling godly values.Even though she grew up in the church, she never knew that she could experience the life changing power of a tangible God!Pastor Karen spent many years in her youth searching for affirmation, identity, and purpose. With very low self esteem, and lack of identity, she fell into a trap of sin and found herself drinking, partying, and moving from one relationship to another while pursuing a modeling career in NY, Philadelphia, and Baltimore. After falling flat on her face, in utter embarrassment and shame, she found herself as a Prodigal Daughter and came back to her parent's house. After being discipled by another woman of God in her church in Baltimore, she was able to gain much victory in living a true Christian life!She always knew she was supposed to be in ministry and decided that no longer would she be running from the call. The baptism of the Holy Spirit and Fire made all the difference! That experience propelled her to say yes (fulfilled prophecy) to come to Bible School and pursue the call of God on her life! There she connected with her husband, and also graduated from River University with a Bachelors in Theology, got hired on staff as an Associate Pastor at RMI, Licensed and Ordained with RMIMA, and served alongside her husband from the very beginning.God also spoke to Pastor Karen about coming to Baltimore in several dreams, visions, and a word of the Lord that He would be with them and turn over cities to them just as He did with Joshua!